August 27, 2014

Dealing with Separation.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


I'd been dealing with separation from my spouse (we lived together for 6 yrs.) for the last 6 months. There are times when she expresses the desire for us to comeback together, however her actions show completely the opposite and I'm finding myself getting hurt every time this happens. My question is: If we should be kind and be our self no matter what and give everything, should I continue to seek her even though everything points that she really doesn't want to be with me or should I just be and let the Universe take care of the situation. I'm finding myself confuse on where to stop and said no more. But then I question myself and said…if this is my ego talking when I said no more or am I protecting myself and loving me? I would really like your feedback.
Thanks a lot!!


Be as kind and giving as you genuinely can be, but that means you need to be honest and kind to yourself as well. If you try to be more kind and accepting than you really feel, then you are not coming from a real place, and that is not helpful for you or the other person. Short of enlightenment we are not ego-free, and trying to be loving when we are still in emotional pain and afraid of more pain, doesn’t heal our heart. Make a realistic assessment of how emotional strong and giving you are, and act from there. Sometimes the most loving thing you can do is give yourself emotional space and time to heal and get clarity.


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  1. s

    Thanks for your answer Sir....God bless you.

  2. Ron Greenstein

    As ordinary human beings we harbor conflicting desires based upon conflicting values. While these remain unresolved, anxiety and dissatisfaction are experienced. Facing one`s self and permitting the values in the unconscious portion of the mind to rise up for examination is a step toward resolution and fulfillment. Getting clarity on which are the true, important, and lasting values and how they differ from the false, ephemeral, and conditioned-mind values is winning "half the battle." Mustering the courage to experiment with living up to the true with the masterful help of inner grace and guidance will win the victory of everlasting spiritual freedom and understanding.

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