April 28, 2013

Coping Mechanisms.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.

When you pacify a feeling, it goes away temporarily, but it always returns. You are eating to cope with feelings. There are other ways to cope, and once you learn them, the urge to eat will lessen, because your body and mind will know that you aren't supplied with only one major coping mechanism. 

Write Your Comment

  1. Vipul Patel

    this is help in my life

  2. Christina Keeley Bennett

    here is my thing. I was never taught coping skills as a child and now as an adult eating is the way I deal. Then I feel horrible and guilty and then eat more. It's a cycle I want to break so bad and have no clue how.

  3. David Jones

    if more people will accept that not eating properly gives your enemies more strength over you then, maybe more people will find it useful to eat properly. people just don't feel that food is useful unless they use it to comfort their adolescent and infantile urges.a friend of mine regressed emotionally for a time and her eating became rediculous to the point of nearly expecting others to treat her as an infant by wanting to be spoon fed, burped,and never left alone while eating. what if so many adults were treated like infants when it comes to eating and eating properly. will that be enough to encourage them to become more adult like again?too many have been seperated too far from their instincts and their morals. with so many who starve around the world it's still hard to believe that so many ignore the rest the of the world and continue to rub our noses in the fact they have so much to go around ,that there is not enough to go around for those actually starving.meow,meow,meow

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