January 27, 2016

Choosing Actions.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


Dear Deepak,

thank you for your guidance. I’m 25 years old and I on my spiritual journey for over 9 years by now. I regularly practice inner silence, self-awareness and meditations. My problem is that although I feel my inner progress, growing, and having intuitive knowledge of what choices I should make, in my outer life I don’t really know where to move. I am more observant person and I feel my life as if it was a river which takes me in its direction. Because of that I guess I don’t take actions which I suppose to do. How can I become a captain of my life’s ship?


From what you have described of your experience, I believe you already have a good sense of what your life is about. You feel yourself moving with the flow of the river of life. Don’t worry about trying to steer your boat in the river; that is an ego worry. In this analogy, your true self is both your ship and the river. You are that flow of universal intelligence that is moving you where you need to be. The pure intelligence of your true self is already the unseen captain of your life’s ship. That is why your intuition is so reliable.



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  1. Beyza Davaz Özer

    Dear Deepak,now I ve ben reading your book "what are you hungry For ?".I want to thank you for your guidance through my path to consciousness.Appreciated for all in my life

  2. Beyza Davaz Özer

    Dear Deepak,now I ve ben reading your book "what are you hungry For ?".I want to thank you for your guidance through my path to consciousness.Appreciated for all in my life

  3. Beyza Davaz Özer

    Dear Deepak,now I ve ben reading your book "what are you hungry For ?".I want to thank you for your guidance through my path to consciousness.Appreciated for all in my life

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