November 25, 2015

Brain Personality.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


Does our personality come from our brain? I think everyone’s biggest fear about death is that if we lose our bodies we will lose our personality. Does our personality survive death? And if it does then why does it seem so alterable by affecting the brain?


The personality does not arise from the neural activity of our brains. Our brain is the  physical structure through which our awareness and personality it expressed. When that physical structure is gone, the personality is no longer expressed into or interactive with the physical realm.  But it is still intact and functional on the non-physical realms.  Just as radio broadcasts are not affected if the radio stops working.  When another physical body is embodied, then that individuality can again function in our physical world.



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  1. heartphone

    @go with the flow: "The problem with it is that it confuses me about what is my personal experience of God/higher consciousness and that of an “entity”. It’s caused me to protect myself, and take me out of higher states of consciousness." Guess your personal experience was not convincing enough. Once you realize that the unconditional field of possibilities is nothing else than unconditional love which encompasses every thing and every being and you are able to surrender to that field, you are free. Unconditional love in your case really means: unconditional love for your self :) When you realize you are the universe and everything is within you, then you are free. I had this thorough experience only once and it shaped my whole existence, being deep love. I wish for you the same :)

  2. heartphone

    @go with the flow: "The problem with it is that it confuses me about what is my personal experience of God/higher consciousness and that of an “entity”. It’s caused me to protect myself, and take me out of higher states of consciousness." Guess your personal experience was not convincing enough. Once you realize that the unconditional field of possibilities is nothing else than unconditional love which encompasses every thing and every being and you are able to surrender to that field, you are free. Unconditional love in your case really means: unconditional love for your self :) When you realize you are the universe and everything is within you, then you are free. I had this thorough experience only once and it shaped my whole existence, being deep love. I wish for you the same :)

  3. heartphone

    @go with the flow: "The problem with it is that it confuses me about what is my personal experience of God/higher consciousness and that of an “entity”. It’s caused me to protect myself, and take me out of higher states of consciousness." Guess your personal experience was not convincing enough. Once you realize that the unconditional field of possibilities is nothing else than unconditional love which encompasses every thing and every being and you are able to surrender to that field, you are free. Unconditional love in your case really means: unconditional love for your self :) When you realize you are the universe and everything is within you, then you are free. I had this thorough experience only once and it shaped my whole existence, being deep love. I wish for you the same :)

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