March 7, 2016



When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


What is boredom? My life is boring, boring, boring right now. I have dreams, and I know I have to be patient and give them a chance to materialize, but what do I do in the meantime? I feel it’s time for me to move on from my old life and my intention is clear, my attention is focused on any sign showing that the time is ripe… but should I just wait for a sign? Or should I put my dreams aside and do something with the life I have now? Please advise.


I once heard boredom described as a disconnect between the mind and the body, where the inertia of the physical body disallows the mind from experiencing the happiness it is naturally looking for. The disconnect between these two states creates a zone of boredom.

 Instead of focusing on looking for signs for making a change, pay attention to what is “right” about your life presently. Your happiness is not something you should put off for some future time. You will actualize your dreams more successfully if you find the meaning and contentment in the life you are creating right now. The circumstances you find yourself in at the moment may not have everything you long for, but that doesn’t mean you don’t have everything you need for your evolutionary needs in this moment. Your current situation has compelling meaning and perfect relevance to you just because you are birthing into existence those events at every moment. This is your life you are creating and it is perfect and complete right now.  Once you can align your mind/body/feelings to celebrate that understanding, you won’t be bored nor will you be waiting for some sign to start living fully. Embrace and take in fully everything that constitutes your life right now, and you will find that the longing that has fueled your dreams will feel fulfilled and overjoyed.



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  1. Alexander

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  2. Alexander

    Good day, Deepak I have a question about the eyes and care about What exercises do you using and which extracts relieve tension and etc. ? Impaired vision and the question of pain in the eyes is the moment that many people are interested Thanx Alexander

  3. Alexander

    Good day, Deepak I have a question about the eyes and care about What exercises do you using and which extracts relieve tension and etc. ? Impaired vision and the question of pain in the eyes is the moment that many people are interested Thanx Alexander

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