June 12, 2012



When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


What is alcoholism? If there is no such thing as a disease, then must I conform to the thought forms of others regarding this subject, in order to be in acceptance of a former condition that no longer exists? It feels like a false identity to me as a spiritual being in my most pure form. Should I give in to the social hypnosis of the program, or should I let others call me crazy and work on my consciousness as an "Independent Thinker"?


Alcoholism is an addiction to alcohol. Addiction is craving fulfillment from something that cannot provide fulfillment. In this sense it is not different than the basic mechanism of ignorance that keeps everyone in bondage. With substance addiction the mind/body sets up a vicious cycle that perpetuates the dependence.

You are right that alcoholism is a false identity compared to your higher self, your atman. To limit yourself to a label of "alcoholic" is masochistic and false if you have awakened a deeper spiritual identity within and have come to know your true self as unconditioned pure awareness. This doesn’t mean that recovering alcoholics don’t have to be concerned with relapsing, they must always remain vigilant. The power of addiction should not be underestimated. This exercise in vigilance can become a spiritual tool of liberation as well. Always being aware of choosing between real happiness and false happiness is also the discrimination required to attain enlightenment.

You may still find it helpful to work with a support group even if you don’t subscribe to all aspects of their philosophy, because the benefits of a group program will usually outweigh any ideological differences we may have. You can still be an independent thinker and focus on your spiritual growth and take advantage of the power of a support group as well. Good luck.



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  1. Shruti Kasliwal

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  2. Shruti Kasliwal

    Nice Blog, thank you for sharing the article on alcoholism. it's very helpful and useful this blog, more people addicted to drug, alcohol, de-addiction etc. these people aware of reading above article. Jagruti rehabilitation Centre provides this treatment. For more details visit us http://www.jagrutirehab.org/

  3. Shruti Kasliwal

    Nice Blog, thank you for sharing the article on alcoholism. it's very helpful and useful this blog, more people addicted to drug, alcohol, de-addiction etc. these people aware of reading above article. Jagruti rehabilitation Centre provides this treatment. For more details visit us http://www.jagrutirehab.org/

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