Boston, MA – Super Genes – An Evening With Deepak Chopra.
Join Deepak Chopra as he shares a bold new understanding of our genes and how simple changes in lifestyle can boost genetic activity. The leap into “radical well-being” is a promise waiting to be fulfilled.
For decades, medical science has believed that genes determine our biological destiny. Now the new genetics has changed that assumption forever. You will always have the genes you were born with, but genes are dynamic, responding to everything we think, say, and do.
When you make lifestyle choices that optimize how your genes behave, you can reach for a state of health and fulfillment undreamed of even a decade ago. The impact on prevention, immunity, diet, aging, and chronic disorders is unparalleled and will revolutionize how we understand ourselves and the health of those around us.
Deepak will address these questions as well as practical ways to experience higher consciousness, transformation and healing.
*Each ticket purchase includes a complimentary
copy of Deepak Chopra’s latest book, Super Genes.
Dear Dr. Chopra, I just got home from a treatment center that I was in for three months recovering from my addiction to heroine. While in treatment my significant other was a great source of strength and support. I have been battling to stay clean for 5 years in and out of treatment centers and at times successful for 3 to 4 months but mostly killing myself a shot at a time. I went to treatment without a higher power. I asked my significant other if he could download self help talks, guided meditatons etc. Within all the material he gave me was an event with you and Dr. Wayne Dyer from the 90's. It was the first time you both shared the stage. It was epic I must add. I listened to it 10 times because it rang so true to my heart. Through listening I found my higher power and began to believe. I am still working to find exactly what that is but I am finally at the point where I can pray and not feel so uncomfortable. I received a meditation and mantra book. I started meditating and have really struggled with it. I try not to be judgemental of myself but the thoughts won't stop. Can you make any suggestions for someone new to meditation to get started on the process? There is so much information out there it can be overwhelming and I don't where to start. I really believe meditation can help me with my disease and will open that door to a stronger relationship with my higher power. I have 5 months clean now and need to continue to grow and evolve or I will end up back in an institution, or jail, or dead. I look forward to hearing your suggestions. Thank you, A grateful fan
Dear Dr. Chopra, I just got home from a treatment center that I was in for three months recovering from my addiction to heroine. While in treatment my significant other was a great source of strength and support. I have been battling to stay clean for 5 years in and out of treatment centers and at times successful for 3 to 4 months but mostly killing myself a shot at a time. I went to treatment without a higher power. I asked my significant other if he could download self help talks, guided meditatons etc. Within all the material he gave me was an event with you and Dr. Wayne Dyer from the 90's. It was the first time you both shared the stage. It was epic I must add. I listened to it 10 times because it rang so true to my heart. Through listening I found my higher power and began to believe. I am still working to find exactly what that is but I am finally at the point where I can pray and not feel so uncomfortable. I received a meditation and mantra book. I started meditating and have really struggled with it. I try not to be judgemental of myself but the thoughts won't stop. Can you make any suggestions for someone new to meditation to get started on the process? There is so much information out there it can be overwhelming and I don't where to start. I really believe meditation can help me with my disease and will open that door to a stronger relationship with my higher power. I have 5 months clean now and need to continue to grow and evolve or I will end up back in an institution, or jail, or dead. I look forward to hearing your suggestions. Thank you, A grateful fan
Dear Dr. Chopra, I just got home from a treatment center that I was in for three months recovering from my addiction to heroine. While in treatment my significant other was a great source of strength and support. I have been battling to stay clean for 5 years in and out of treatment centers and at times successful for 3 to 4 months but mostly killing myself a shot at a time. I went to treatment without a higher power. I asked my significant other if he could download self help talks, guided meditatons etc. Within all the material he gave me was an event with you and Dr. Wayne Dyer from the 90's. It was the first time you both shared the stage. It was epic I must add. I listened to it 10 times because it rang so true to my heart. Through listening I found my higher power and began to believe. I am still working to find exactly what that is but I am finally at the point where I can pray and not feel so uncomfortable. I received a meditation and mantra book. I started meditating and have really struggled with it. I try not to be judgemental of myself but the thoughts won't stop. Can you make any suggestions for someone new to meditation to get started on the process? There is so much information out there it can be overwhelming and I don't where to start. I really believe meditation can help me with my disease and will open that door to a stronger relationship with my higher power. I have 5 months clean now and need to continue to grow and evolve or I will end up back in an institution, or jail, or dead. I look forward to hearing your suggestions. Thank you, A grateful fan