February 21, 2020
Ask Deepak

The Path to Enlightenment.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


I want to rise my soul towards spiritualism as I do understand the meaning of life.
I want to attain eternal bliss and want to reach back to the original home of the soul.
Since I am 25 years old ,I am not that aware how to follow the path.
Please do help me how to enlighten my inner self.


Spirituality is your essential nature. Bliss is your true self. So the journey home is just becoming what you really are, who you already are at your core. The time-honored means of reclaiming knowledge of your self is through meditation. A simple meditation practice that takes you beyond your thoughts, your feelings and all mental activity so that silent awareness is left to  know itself. In time that truth becomes your dominant reality, your permanent sense of selfhood.



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  1. Denise Rekstad

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  2. Denise Rekstad

    Our whole family benefitted from your many programs over the years. Now I would like to take my grandchildren to your programs. When are the programs going to start at the Chopra center in person.

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