April 19, 2012

Spirituality and Humanity.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.

Spirituality is not a contrived mood or behavior but a simple unaffected humanity.

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  1. John

    It took some pondering to grasp what you quoted, and at first I fully agreed, but then as your meaning became more apparent I realized a missing element. I truely believe your quote packs a punch, and I wouldn`t change a thing, only add to it. "Spirituality is not a contrived mood or behavior but a simple unaffected humanity"; unaffected by the world, but 100% affected by God. Spirituality and God go hand in hand.

  2. heartphone

    just meditating with you today!! Hope many over the world will join..

  3. Michael Cupo

    The essence of all Spirituality is "I Am"- Nothing more-nothing less.

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January 24, 2012

Spirituality and Humanity.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.

Spirituality is not a contrived mood or behavior but a simple unaffected humanity.

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  1. heartphone

    If we are born with it, we all have it... During the process of life it will reveal itself, naturally..........

  2. Tara Teller


  3. Melissa Jackson

    We should really find a time to be able to stop and just think about these things more. Our lives would be better. Thank you Deepak!

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