August 18, 2012

Side Effects of Meditation.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


Are there side effects to meditation? I practice Christian meditation and each time I meditate I get headaches, I feel spaced out and intense. My emotions are usually raging that I have a hard time concentrating and functioning. I'm ungrounded and anxious as well. Is this normal?


Any negative side effects of meditation can only come from doing meditation incorrectly. That means mentally straining or resisting against thoughts trying to stay concentrated. That effort keeps the mind from spontaneously moving toward self-awareness – the goal of meditation. If you are unsettled and emotionally upset before starting meditation, then the best thing to do is practice a few minutes of easy breathing exercises, or pranayama, to calm the mind and then begin meditation. Remember as you do your meditation, never force or push against thoughts or feelings, once you remember you are off your meditation, just easily and effortlessly bring your mind back to the practice.


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  1. Kathleen Suneja

    Hi there! Great article you have, I would also want to share my thoughts that Meditation indeed has positive effects not only in the body but also in the mind, a total holistic wellness that brings us to know our inner-self better. It gives us a peace of mind that helps us have a much better perception about our lives. Our advocacy is to promote the positive effects of meditation, yoga and inner wellness.Help us, visit our website at and also You can also download the app at Thank you and have a great day!

  2. Kathleen Suneja

    Hi there! Great article you have, I would also want to share my thoughts that Meditation indeed has positive effects not only in the body but also in the mind, a total holistic wellness that brings us to know our inner-self better. It gives us a peace of mind that helps us have a much better perception about our lives. Our advocacy is to promote the positive effects of meditation, yoga and inner wellness.Help us, visit our website at and also You can also download the app at Thank you and have a great day!

  3. Kathleen Suneja

    Hi there! Great article you have, I would also want to share my thoughts that Meditation indeed has positive effects not only in the body but also in the mind, a total holistic wellness that brings us to know our inner-self better. It gives us a peace of mind that helps us have a much better perception about our lives. Our advocacy is to promote the positive effects of meditation, yoga and inner wellness.Help us, visit our website at and also You can also download the app at Thank you and have a great day!

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