August 19, 2014

Responding with Joy.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.

The healthiest response to life is joy

Learn more about our new meditation app “Ananda – Living in Love” at

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  1. Emma Payapaya

    joy my heart is full of joy for the coming of valintines day i just add more to be happy if imve seen all =========people reminize this especial day for love

  2. Emma Payapaya

    joy my heart is full of joy for the coming of valintines day i just add more to be happy if imve seen all =========people reminize this especial day for love

  3. Emma Payapaya

    joy my heart is full of joy for the coming of valintines day i just add more to be happy if imve seen all =========people reminize this especial day for love

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