June 11, 2015

Listening to Inner Guidance.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


Is there a way to distinguish between my wrong thoughts and the inner voice from the intelligence source? (I deeply love your books, you are wonderful)


Thoughts that are creative and evolutionary will feel expansive and light. They come from a still, content and knowing place within you. These types of thoughts come from your source of intelligence and provide useful guidance.

Thoughts that aren’t evolutionary come from conditioned awareness based on fear and the past. In contrast, these types of thoughts   feel restricted, lacking and contracted. They are not likely to lead you to long term success or fulfillment.



Write Your Comment

  1. Mary Jo black

    I have a thirst for spiritual truths. A hunger for knowledge and wisdom. My belief system has changed tremendously and I feel like I have one foot in one world and the other in this world. I see sparkles as thick as spray paint in the air. I see energy, light, and like a mirror aura along with this imprint. I pray, meditate, and write. I have a strong desire to expand the collective consciousness through certain ways. One of them is to write and publish books. I ask the universe Jeanie to help provide a laptop, a printer, an editor, and a publisher. I have many purposes. At this point I am driven to write. Any advice or help, please send my way

  2. Mary Jo black

    I have a thirst for spiritual truths. A hunger for knowledge and wisdom. My belief system has changed tremendously and I feel like I have one foot in one world and the other in this world. I see sparkles as thick as spray paint in the air. I see energy, light, and like a mirror aura along with this imprint. I pray, meditate, and write. I have a strong desire to expand the collective consciousness through certain ways. One of them is to write and publish books. I ask the universe Jeanie to help provide a laptop, a printer, an editor, and a publisher. I have many purposes. At this point I am driven to write. Any advice or help, please send my way

  3. Carter Röser


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