July 29, 2024
Ask Deepak

Is it okay to meditate for long periods of time?.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


“In reference to primordial sound meditation you should meditate 30 minutes in the morning and 30 in the afternoon. 

Since my life situation gives me a lot of free time I meditate more, around two hours a day. 

I wonder, is this a waste of my time or is it better the more I meditate? 

Are the 30 plus 30 minutes optional?” 


Thirty minutes twice a day is a good balance of silence and activity for most people with everyday responsibilities. 

Meditating for two hours a day is okay if you are on a meditation retreat weekend or course where you don’t need to drive or deal with the usual daily demands and crises. 

But even during extended meditation courses, the longer meditation periods are balanced with yoga asanas, walking, and social interaction.  

If one just sits in one’s room meditating all day, without enough physical movement or social stimulation, then the extra meditation can lead to an imbalance in your life. 

Our mental and physical well-being depends on the proper balance of deep rest and activity. 

Too much silence can become a problem, just as too much activity can lead to the problem of stress and fatigue.  



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