Intense Emotional Release in Meditation.
When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.
Hello, You may never receive this email, but I will send it out there just in case! I have been meditating for about the last year and believe it is truly healing me and bringing true bliss to my being. Some things I don't understand though. Twice this has happened, I will begin to breath very heavy and feel as though something is being ripped from me. I begin to cry not hysterical by any means (but I feel as if I could if I weren't meditating). I feel a sensation of myself crying out or yelling (but I don't), and I almost wish I could to release it. It's as if I'm yelling in my mind. I'm not sure what's happening. I calm down after a bit, and feel fine, but very exhausted afterward and just rest. Am I still in a meditative state? Is this okay or normal? Thank you for your gifts. They are changing my life everyday.
It’s both normal and okay. It just means there is some deep emotional trauma from your past that is now ready to come to the surface and be healed. After meditation I would recommend you take a few minutes and sing out loud. Find a song you love that resonates with the emotional tone of your pain. Listen to it at a above normal volume so that you can really feel the sonic effect of the song and music. When you feel it has engaged your emotions, start to sing so that your voice translates your feelings into sound. If you do this every time your feel some unresolved residue of emotion after your meditation, it will facilitate the release and healing process.
Hi Deepak, I had been flirting with meditation sporadically for the past few months but never doing it properly and regularly missing sessions. Now, for the last week after doing more research I have been doing thorough, disciplined meditation sessions twice 20 minutes a day. As it's so soon it's hard to pinpoint any differences in me. However, the last couple of mornings (after meditating the night before and before my morning meditation), I have felt very emotional, even to the point of tears for no particular reason and when thinking about my parents. They are both fairly elderly but fine at the moment, so I have no idea why now I'm feeling so emotional. I know people can experience strong emotions during meditation but when it happens during the day or the morning after, is this still a symptom of the meditation? Is this a good sign that meditation is working? Your insight would be much appreciated as I'm a little worried. Thanks, Marck
Hi Deepak, I had been flirting with meditation sporadically for the past few months but never doing it properly and regularly missing sessions. Now, for the last week after doing more research I have been doing thorough, disciplined meditation sessions twice 20 minutes a day. As it's so soon it's hard to pinpoint any differences in me. However, the last couple of mornings (after meditating the night before and before my morning meditation), I have felt very emotional, even to the point of tears for no particular reason and when thinking about my parents. They are both fairly elderly but fine at the moment, so I have no idea why now I'm feeling so emotional. I know people can experience strong emotions during meditation but when it happens during the day or the morning after, is this still a symptom of the meditation? Is this a good sign that meditation is working? Your insight would be much appreciated as I'm a little worried. Thanks, Marck
It happens to me too... While Im meditating, sometimes I just want to scream... Sometimes I move my body in a wired way and I takes a lot of energy from me. After that, I feel really good, lacking of energy but fine. Its nice to read this...Im not the only one, I though it was my Ego.