Getting Over the Past.
When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.
Dear Deepak, I'm coming from a very sad place at the moment. Although on the outside, I am well put together, I feel like I've been fed a lie for most of my life. I feel like I didn't take a hold of my true desires for fear of what might come about, namely, with my parents. I have legitimately spent my whole life doing everything my parents asked of me, which left me feeling completely empty, especially by my freshman year at college. Thus, leading to cystic acne and depression. My question is why? Why did I have to endure a life time of this mental-prison sort of feeling? And why didn't I have the courage to stop it while I was young? I feel I've wasted my first 25 years of existence and now I have no clue how to move on. Please help!
Wondering and worrying about why you did what you did in the past is unhelpful. The past is the past and all you can say is that you did the best you could, given who you were at the time. What matters is the present. Your life is lived through your choices now. Twenty five is still a young age to begin your adult life and to chart a course for what you want to do in life. Find your direction from your inner core and then have fun sharing your gifts and talents with others.
Getting Over the Past.
When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.
Dear Deepak, I'm coming from a very sad place at the moment. Although on the outside, I am well put together, I feel like I've been fed a lie for most of my life. I feel like I didn't take a hold of my true desires for fear of what might come about, namely, with my parents. I have legitimately spent my whole life doing everything my parents asked of me, which left me feeling completely empty, especially by my freshman year at college. Thus, leading to cystic acne and depression. My question is why? Why did I have to endure a life time of this mental-prison sort of feeling? And why didn't I have the courage to stop it while I was young? I feel I've wasted my first 25 years of existence and now I have no clue how to move on. Please help!
Wondering and worrying about why you did what you did in the past is unhelpful. The past is the past and all you can say is that you did the best you could, given who you were at the time. What matters is the present. Your life is lived through your choices now. Twenty five is still a young age to begin your adult life and to chart a course for what you want to do in life. Find your direction from your inner core and then have fun sharing your gifts and talents with others.
You were like that because you needed to get to this point in your life. You are here now and only you know what you need so you can move on. Look within, not to others. Knowing yourself will help you for this. Take 5 minutes, answer the question, and accept the first answer. No point in dwelling. Just a thought...
Remember, the only real moment that exists is the current one. I don`t mean that philosophically - I mean that literally! The past is only current moments that have already happened and the future is only possible current moments. The only thing real is this moment, so always focus on the current moment. When you do that, what happens naturally is that your ego/mind/emotions simmer down and centeredness and bliss blossoms inside of you. All good stuff!! How do you focus on the current moment? Visit my site ( to learn how and to find a lot of other resources on enlightenment and awareness.
Deepak are you standing on the cliffs of Moher in that picture? To this young man I would say you are so young and to have discovered you are not happy on the current path you are on and to be aware of spiritual leaders like Deepak means the fun has just begun; the canvas is blank and you can start to populate it with the new colours that you see as your future brightens and the past melts away by living in the now and enjoying the little steps that will take you there inch by inch. Be patient. Be kind to yourself and don't hate your parents; they did the best they could based on their limited knowledge. They helped make you clever, a searcher of spirit and discerning of likes and dislikes so pretty good tools to work with. Bon courage