June 4, 2015

Becoming What You Believe.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.

You don’t get what you wish for in life; you become what you believe.

Download and test our new, customizable meditation app “Ananda – Conscious Health” free. Find out more at http://bit.ly/DC_Ananda #ananda

Write Your Comment

  1. Catherine St. Aubin

    What about people who have mental health issues, like boardline personality disorder; anger issues, when the brain does not function as well /or differently than others Thank you

  2. Catherine St. Aubin

    What about people who have mental health issues, like boardline personality disorder; anger issues, when the brain does not function as well /or differently than others Thank you

  3. Ala

    Heartphone: I like your opinion.Thank you. You too.

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