Balancing a Love of Spicy Food.
When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.
Deepak I am a pitta Dosha and I love spice….and want to return to balance what do you suggest as an alternative?
Since you have a pitta constitution that will more easily go out of balance by eating hot spices like chili peppers or cayenne, you do need to tone that down a bit. You can get some of that spicy hot flavor in a more balanced form by using ginger and black pepper instead of chili peppers. Cardamom, mint, cinnamon, fennel, cumin, coriander and fresh basil, turmeric, cinnamon are all good spices to use that will help you balance your pitta.
Seria genial encontrarselo asi, en una calle cualquiera...y reconocerlo claro!
nice mixture !
Yummy and cruelty-free! Go Vegan!