Attachment to Illusion.
When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.
As I expand my consciousness and the fog of illusion lifts, a depression hits me as I'm faced with my attachment to the illusion. It can pull me back in. How do I make the next push through my addiction/attachment to the fog?
There is no “pushing” through illusion. It needs to naturally lift by virtue of your rising awareness, the way early morning fog lifts with the mid-morning sun. Attachment is the identification of the self to objects of experience due to ignorance of your true nature. As your self-realization increases your attachment will decrease. Be easy and patient with yourself during the process.
If you were driving a car into a fog it is not a time to stop or go faster. You would turn on the lights and maintain speed. Keep your light on for others and be patient as Deepak says. Usually below the fog is a beautiful valley or above a wonderful mountaintop view.
hello sir,please my name is NWOBODO LIVINUS AMOBI i am from nigeria but i based in angola.i am doing the buisness of weavon and attachment hair, here in angola.and the buisness is moving very very well here in angola,1 forthy fit container of weavon and attachment hair last only three day here in angola.I have so many costomers,but the problem is that i dont have money now,and i dont have goods to supply them.SO that is why i am looking for a company of weavon and attachment hair that will help me for the goods.AND i will be very very happy if your company can come here in angola and open a new branch so that i can be your representetive here in angola.or you can send one of your wokers here in angola to come and see how the buisness of weavon and attchachment hair are moving here in angola. THANKS AND GOD BLESS YOU AMEN THIS IS MY CONTACT. PHONE NUMBER.+244922375940.
people with more consciousness stats say can have higher depression..solution push past that to more consciousness and deliverance from as much attachment to the wrong things. If it isn't good for you let go of it...God does know what he/she is